Milujú svoje dcérky nadovšetko. 13 fotografií oteckov, ktoré sú dôkazom pravej lásky a silného puta

Lucia Mužlová

Hovorí sa, že každé srdce muža pookreje, keď sa mu narodí dcéra. Niet divu, stačí, aby sa na neho pozrela svojimi veľkými očami a otecko jej dovolí takmer čokoľvek. Vzťah medzi otcom a dcérou je neobyčajný a vzniknúť tu môže veľmi pekné a silné puto, ktoré nič len tak nerozdelí. Nasledujúce fotografie sú toho dôkazom.

Oteckovia sa vždy vedia podeliť

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Cookie kiss

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Radi podstupujú aj výlučne ženské procedúry

Kvôli svojim dcérkam sa naučia aj triky z kaderníckeho salóna

Nikdy nepovedia „nie“ na čaj o piatej

Nechajú sa skrášliť

Na svoje záujmy zabúdajú len neradi

Keď potrebuje dcérka utešiť, vždy sú tam pre ňu

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No, this is not a background extra milking their scene in some low budget B movie horror film. It's the moment when I was getting headshots taken for my book & Ottie decided she absolutely positively couldn't give me a moment to myself – transforming my moment, very much into her moment. Clemmie scooped her up seconds later & I can laugh at this now but it does remind me just how hard it can be to achieve the simplest of tasks when a wailing child is within close promixity – thanks @philippajames for catching the memory & exposing the realities behind the image you see in the book! (Click on the link in my bio to get a copy) #backgroundscenegrabber #stealingmymoment #zombietoddler #theimagebehindtheimage #parenthoodinapicture #foreveroutnumbered #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #fod #instadad

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Sú za každú srandu

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No this is not the last moments of Delilah doing a junior sky dive from a budget turkish outfit that forgot to provide a parachute & expected me to catch her on re-entry to avoid a very complicated holiday insurance claim – it's just me invoking my father's privilege to chuck a kid in the air, simultaneously setting a new world record while making all mums everywhere feel very uneasy. Please note – no children were harmed in the making of this photo. There was alot of shrieking with laughter, @mother_of_daughters lost her lunch while looking on & spilt a mojito in the process but other than that, all was fine. Photo courtesy of @dresslikeamum #flyingwithoutwings #howhigh #ididitagain #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #FOD #holidays

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Otcovia zvládnu naozaj všetko

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I seriously believe that all parents suffer from some form of mild Stockholm syndrome. Depsite being oppressed & forced to work a servant to our pint sized captures, like a free buffet lunch, we always come back for more. This is especially true when I go away for work. The first day I embrace my freedom & revel in that rarest of commodities – silence. But within 48 hours I strangely miss being yelled at & forced to clear up other people's poo and start to really pine for home. In my mind I would return to 4 perfect children who would greet me with open arms & proclaim their lives were incomplete in my absense. The reality was 50% of my girls acknowledged my return & within 5 minutes my tired jet lagged body had been transformed into fleshy climbing apparatus while i listened to a list of things that broke while I was away & now needed fixing. I don't think Anya even knows I went away as she's now permanently hard wired into Fortnite! I sure they missed me but it still amazes me how quickly normality is resumed! #institutionalised #parentingstockholmsyndrome #givemeachance #likeineverleft #jetlag #Fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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Aj divoký kúpeľ

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Did anyone else get the memo to inform all parents that its international opposites day today? No? Me neither but Apparently all children have been informed it's totally ok to do the exact opposite of what all overbearing full grown humans tell them to do. Case in point – this evening's Bathtime – I said "please stop splashing! mummy will kill me when I forget to tidy this up later". What they heard was "please go ahead & start up a toddler induced wave machine the scale of which could be used to test war ships, soak the floor & then flail about like a confined depressed killer whale which will eventually eat it's trainer". Turns out it's fine though as the water has now drained through the cracks in the floor boards & has seeped through the ceiling downstairs. This only even happens when I'm in charge on my own. Coincidence? #bathtimetusnami #theyremakingmelookbad #ineedflooddefences #imadeadman #thewaterisnowdownstairs #Fatherofdaughters #fod #dadlife #instadad

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Sú za každú srandu

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Yes I do look like the mid 30's love child of a Disney Princess and the Easter bunny or perhaps an unsuccessful drag act you'd find on a cruise liner who specialises in animal impressions, but this what happens when you let you children projectile vomit the contents of the dressing up box onto you. Clemmie walked in on us after l having called us for dinner multiple times to find what must look like the hangers-on who are still sleeping in field 2 days after the festival finished – me, a blond Bob Dylan lookalike, a fairy & a disgruntled Delilah who was livid that the very hungry Caterpillar costume was covered in welded on weetabix. Clemmie turned & walked out in silence – you said you'd take me in sickness and in health – well dressing up is my sickness. Now, how do you dislocate your shoulders to get out of this human body trap? #cruiserlinerentertainment #disneylovechild #dressingup #imcomfortablewithwhoiam #Fatherofdaughters #dadlife #fod #instadad

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Despite the fact my name is not Charles emes and I'm not available to buy today with 0% interest over 3 years from DFS, every single time I go down on my knees to retrieve discarded objects, I'm set upon by 2 small curly haired offenders who think my spine is a sofa. It's as if they have a built in 6th sense that alerts them to when I'm open for attack- Perhaps its that noise I've started making when I bend down, you know, the one that every man over the age of 35 makes that's like a balloon deflating that draws their attention. All I know is that one moment I'm alone thinking it's safe to clear up, the next my back is forming a U bend under the weight of 2 telly addicts who treat me as a human piece of furniture. Spinal surgery, here I come. #newspineplease #0percentAPR #dadsofa #fatherofdaughters #fod #dadlife #instadad

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Pri nich sa cíti každé dievčatko ako princezná

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2 tygodnie do Świąt! 😱 To ‚aż’ czy ‚tylko’? 🤔 Ja jestem w totalnej rozsypce z prezentami… 🤷🏻‍♂️ Rok w rok powtarzam sobie, że wezmę się za to już od listopada a wychodzi tak jak zawsze 🙄 Propozycje na świąteczne prezenty dla faceta znajdziecie na moim blogu ➡️🌐, a jeśli chcielibyście sprawić bliskim lub sobie super etui do telefonu, to teraz z hasłem „podziarany tata” otrzymacie 15% rabatu w @centergsmcase 😉📱🎁 #instatata #instadziecko #sesjaświąteczna #tataicórka #córeczkatatusia #daddyanddaughter #daddysgirl #bożenarodzenie #święta #gwiazdka #prezenty #mojedziecko #mojewszystko #instamama #instamamy #instamatki #photooftheday

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Pozri aj: Kúpila ho len za 6000 eur. Žena prerobila starý autobus na luxusné miesto, kde môžete pokojne celoročne bývať

Lucia M.

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