Už sa viac necítila ako žena a rozhodla sa všetko zmeniť. Táto mamička schudla viac ako 45 kilogramov a toto sa stalo s jej telom

Gabriela Kinčoková

Strata hmotnosti so sebou prináša mnoho radosti, no občas môže prísť aj veľké sklamanie. To sa stalo mladej Kanaďanke Sarah Nicole, ktorá schudla neuveriteľných 45 kilogramov. To, čo to však spravilo s jej telom, je na prvý pohľad až šokujúce a pre mnohých nepríjemné. Ona je však na svoje telo hrdá a preto zdieľa na internete svoj odkaz. 

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Sarah sa po dlhých rokoch trápenia a troch deťoch podarilo opäť schudnúť a mať svoju vysnívanú váhu. No s obrovskou stratou hmotnosti prišli na rad strie a ovisnutá koža. Mladej mamičke kilá pridávala hlavne nezdravá strava, či už počas tehotenstva alebo po ňom. Ako dieťa nebola ani chudá, no ani tučná. Mala normálnu postavu. Najväčším problémom počas jej života bol nedostatok sebavedomia. Dospievať začala už veľmi rýchlo a ako prvé jej začali rásť prsia. Už v 6. triede mala veľkosť košíkov C. Jej sestra a všetci naokolo sa jej veľmi smiali a preto sa Sarah cítila veľmi zle. Celú svoju pubertu sa snažila dostať z veľkosti 14 na veľkosť 12.

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Lately I’ve been dieting my newsfeed. As in, trimming out the things I don’t need in my soul anymore. Accounts that for, whatever reason, make me feel like I need to “fix” my body. And I’m not against these people or their amazing accounts or even the things they’re doing! For me body positivity will always be that authority of choice! Just like I have mine too. I just need to pay attention and recognize my own mental health needs right now. And that’s ok. Even if I never want to unfollow anyone because the idea of me hurting someone’s feelings is all too painful in an of itself, I need to do this. . . So I want to fill the void. I want to fill the bucket, and fill the newsfeed. . . Big or small – I want your recommendations for accounts that bring you JOY, help you see the truths about your body, or the appreciation of being a badass woman. Maybe they make you laugh, or decorate their house well. Maybe they just wear super cool outfits. . . I’m ready for your recommendations – Hit. Me. Up. 👇 Can’t wait to get to know some new hearts.

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Neskôr rezignovala a začala nosiť len samé voľné veci. Pomaly sa z nej vytrácala ženskosť. Párkrát sa jej podarilo pomocou rôznych diét schudnúť na veľkosť 12, ale to netrvalo dlho a opäť bola na veľkosti 14 ba i vyššie. V jedle našla vždy svoje potešenie a dokázala zjesť aj niekoľko burgrov denne a to všetko zapila sladkým mliečným nápojom.

Počas prvého manželstva Sarah vážila 94 kg. Spolu s kolegami sa prihlásila do kurzu k pozorovateľom váhy. Bolo to síce finančne náročné, no podarilo sa jej schudnúť 11 kg. Potom prišlo na svet Sarine prvé dieťa. Tu sa dostalo opäť k svojmu starému životnému štýlu a dosiahla váhu 92 kg. Prišlo druhé dieťa. Po pôrode sa dostala na váhu 97 kg. Prišlo na svet jej tretie dieťa.

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I remember when I first started to reveal more about my difficulties with self-love. After losing 100lbs I was struggling to accept my skin and it’s uniqueness. But I wanted to show and share my scars and talk about how I was overcoming the feelings that they were anything short of beautiful, if for nothing more than even their meaning and purpose on my body. And so I posted a photo on Instagram, a selfie in a mirror. Baring my belly for this corner of the world. I tagged the brand of the bra I was wearing and not long after the founder of that bra asked me something I wasn’t quite anticipating. She asked me to model their underwear. 😳 When I showed up the day of the shoot I was alongside 4 other women. All of us at our most vulnerable. All of us, rejoicing in the differences and uniqueness of our bodies. It was a day that changed me forever. I think it changed us all. Then the photos got released and the response was… overwhelming. I guess there’s a lot of women who share a stomach like mine. From weight loss, growth, or pregnancy stories behind them. I learned very quickly that I was not alone. And so did they. After that whole experience my passion for this brand was undeniable. They were changing women’s lives beyond just amazing underwear. They were changing the conversations around the female body and how incredibly powerful and beautiful it is. And I was a willing participant 🙌 That, my friends, is the very short version of how I came to know @knixwear. But life has a funny way of colliding and manifesting more. And that’s when I got a call from @joannaknix, the founder herself. And so it goes…I’m beyond excited and grateful to announce I have joined the @knixwear team. 😭🙌🙏 These conversations around the beauty of a body and the uniqueness of them is something my heart beats for. And well, now I get to do that a whole lot more. In really comfy bras. And you know, life really does find a way sometimes. It really just finds a way. ❤️

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Po tomto pôrode sa Sarah dostala na svoju najvyššiu váhu a to na 102 kg. Sarah a jej rodina sa vrátili do ich rodného mesta a to spôsobila v Sarah veľmi nepríjemné pocity. Už ju tu každý poznal a pozeral sa na jej váhu. Cítila sa veľmi nepríjemne. Jedno poobedie sa deti kúpali v bazéne a vtedy Sarah pohltila myšlienka, čo ak ma uvidia susedia. V tej chvíli sa život rodiny zmenil a Sarah oberala deti o čas strávený s matkou kvôli svojmu stratenému sebavedomiu. Potom prišiel deň keď sa všetko zmenilo. Na Facebook pridala jej známa fotografiu, na ktorej vyzerá Sarah naozaj veľmi veľká. Vtedy si povedala, že so sebou musí niečo robiť. Začala si počítať kalórie, jesť zdravo a športovať.

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90% of women experience cellulite. Wait, did you feel like you were in the minority here? Girlllll, dimple up! You're normal! Like…Whatever that means… . . It’s never been normalized for us because we haven’t had those doses of reality in media in the past. Except of course “how to eat cucumbers to get rid of pesky cellulite in a week” magazine covers. Which, no thanks. . . . So that’s where we come in. Yes, us. Social media. Pool side. Beach front. In dresses and revealing yoga pants. Self-loving US. . . . Because of massive weight loss, I have both loose skin and cellulite on the backs of my legs. And I have no time or energy to waste on hating that when I'm grateful for the body that carries me daily. Well, minus that sore hip (welcome to your 30's!). . . . The responses have been 99% amazing when I share. I mean, I think we all give each other a big virtual hug when someone in the world makes us feel less alone. But that doesn't mean that there isn't the 1% that sends me links for cellulite reduction or calls me disgusting. . . . There will always be those who throw love and throw hate. It's like cilantro. The difference is, it's YOUR body. So YOU cannot be the one that throws the hate, because you're gonna need the love when the haters come around. You’re front lines here. . . . And I don't have a "thick skin". In fact, I'm insanely sensitive. But I walk in truth about my body now. A practice I practiced daily, and continue to. A practice that fights in love so that when the hate comes around, the impact is quick before it bounces off and is gone. This is the case because when someone calls me gross or ugly, I've already stopped saying those things to myself so it doesn't have a gateway into my mind or heart anymore. . . . So please – Stop walking past the mirror and cringing when the lighting shows it. Stop over analyzing why you seem to be the only one with it. Stop telling yourself it’s ugly or weird. Trust me, it’s really freaking ok. As one of the 90%, like, seriously, it’s cool. . . . Next episode: how 99% of us have arm flap wings. Yes please #angelstatus TYVM!! 👼🏼

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Toto nie je príbeh len o transformácii. Je to príbeh o veľkej odvahe, padnutí na dno a o znovu postavení sa na nohy. Zdieľali ho tisíce ľudí po celom svete a my sme hrdí na to, že aj príbeh tejto ženy si u nás našiel svoje právoplatné miesto.

Pozri aj: Zabudnite na škaredé umelé nechty. 38 príkladov toho, ako by mali vyzerať ruky každej jednej dámy

Gabriela, birdspapaya

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