10 nádherných fotografií, ktoré obleteli celý svet a chytia vás za srdce

Lucia Mužlová

Ako často urobíte fotografiu? Dnes už to nie je žiadny problém, keďže žijeme v dobe, keď máme mobilný telefón stále po ruke a fotíme skoro všetko. Vďaka fotografiám si pamätáme chvíle, zachytávame spomienky a niekedy zachytíme niečo smiešne, nezvyčajné a dokonca aj fotky, čo nás chytia za srdce aj po 20 rokoch. Takéto momenty si vážime o to viac. Toto sú fotografie, ktoré vás chytia za srdce a preslávili sa po celom svete.

Princezná Charlotte nosí rovnaké topánočky ako kedysi nosieval jej ujo, princ Harry.


Muž, ktorý pomáha žene naučiť sa znovu čítať.

I was sitting next to this couple at Starbucks this morning, this man John was teaching Linda the alphabet. He told us that she lost her memory and was re-learning how to read. Patience, love, and understanding at it’s finest.

Malý chlapček, ktorý sa prvýkrát stretol so svojou malou sestričkou.

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Brother's first look at baby sister. 😻💚

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Vojak kŕmi hladné mačiatko, ktoré si po vojne adoptoval, pretože sa oň nemal kto postarať.


60 rokov trvajúce manželstvo nezničí ani demencia a mŕtvica.

Married for 60 years. She has dementia and a stroke…but he is still there. Always. from pics

Dieťatko pomáha malému kuriatku ovoňať kvietky.

My nephew helping his pet chicken, Biscuit, smell a flower.

63 rokov stará láska.

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"Walking through life together… But the trail is getting short." – My Papaw, Joe R. Johnson I've been quiet around here lately. There are many reasons, but most importantly, I've been a ball of stress and nerves because my Papaw went back into the hospital last week. On Thursday, we were told that he wouldn't make it through the night. Oddly enough, I got this news right after I watched Miracles in Heaven. (You should watch it if you haven't!) My Mom tried to prep me for the inevitable because he's been in and out of the hospital a lot these past few months and hasn't got any better. I decided to be stubborn, naturally, and forced myself to stay positive and hopeful through many tears that took over my face when she told me things weren't looking good. I got off the phone and I went to my knees and prayed hard for God to give my Papaw strength more than I think I ever have before. And here we are, a week later, and the man is still fighting. The Dr.'s performed a heart ablation surgery on Friday that they didn't think he would be strong enough to make it through. But he did. He has fluid on his lungs and his kidneys are slowly starting to fail because of all the medications, but he's still fighting. Because he's a bad ass. 😎 As you know, this man means the world to me. So when I saw that @buzzfeed featured my grandparents today on their blog… My heart swelled. The timing could not be more perfect. It's such a beautiful reminder to us all. Because when our lives want to fail us… in the end, the only thing that matters and remains is love. Head on over to check it out. Link is in my profile. ❤️ And please keep my grandparents in your prayers if you can. My Mamaw hasn't left his side. #lovethenelsonsproject #oldlovebook #ohwowyes

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Rozdiel medzi začiatkom a koncom jedného školského roku.

Láska, ktorá nepozná koniec.

My girlfriend works at Steak ‚n Shake. This woman’s husband passed away but she still has lunch with him everyday. from pics

Chlapček s vážnym ochorením objíma psíka, ktorý je špeciálne trénovaný na pomoc deťom s postihnutím.

Pozri aj: Pokiaľ je vaša e-mailová adresa na tomto zozname, okamžite si zmeňte heslo. Niekto zbiera informácie a heslá do historicky najväčšej databázy

zdroj: babskeveci.sk (Lucia M.), brightside.me

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