Šikovná žena vyrába bábiky, ktoré majú rovnaký hendikep ako detičky, čo ich vlastnia. Pomáha deťom necítiť sa odlišne

Gabriela Kinčoková

Foto: facebook

Na svete je mnoho detí, ku ktorým život nebol priateľský. No vďaka podpore svojich rodičov a najbližších dokážu zvládať každý jeden deň. Detičkám s ťažkým osudom tiež pomáha umelkyňa Amy Jandrisevits, ktorá založila spoločnosť s názvom „Bábika ako ja“.

Jej posolstvo obletelo celý svet. Amy vyrába bábiky, ktoré sa navlas podobajú malým bojovníkom. Bábiky slúžia ako terapeutické pomôcky pre deti s tvárovými stigmami alebo inými nepríjemnými chorobami. Podľa Amy deti potrebujú bábiku, ktorá práve nebude najdokonalejšia na svete. Lepšie sa tak vyrovnajú so svojim hendikepom.

A little bit of cuteness to take us into the weekend 😊

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Freitag, 11. Januar 2019

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Montag, 5. November 2018

You may already know that I was nominated as GoFundMe's December Hero. The response has been amazing 😊 So what…

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2019

The look on her face ❤️Edited to add: I was asked today about why I think donated dolls are so important. This is…

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2019

She is why the phrase "cuteness overload" was invented.

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2018

This has made me giggle all day long. The look on her face!!! And those yummy cheeks😍

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Donnerstag, 1. November 2018

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Donnerstag, 22. März 2018

There are a million reasons why little boys should have dolls. This is one of them ❤️

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Sonntag, 25. März 2018

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Montag, 30. Oktober 2017

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Dienstag, 24. April 2018

We match!!!

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Montag, 17. Dezember 2018

Sometimes photographs just take my breath away. This is one of them ❤️

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Sonntag, 12. Juni 2016

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Freitag, 30. Dezember 2016

Kudos to this mom for being able to wait until Christmas. Isn't this little girl darling?!

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2016

In case you were wondering…The answer is yes! The Finding Nemo shirts at Build a Bear fit the dolls. And we already know that dolls love matching their kids ❤️

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Samstag, 21. Mai 2016

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Montag, 25. Januar 2016

Check out this totally cute little guy and his friend. Remember that this was the passenger who had a flight booked to…

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Dienstag, 14. April 2015

Fact: Dolls are excellent napping partners.Look at Cam!!! I knew from the first set of pictures that the doll's hat was no longer the doll's 😉 …but I didn't expect to see THIS!

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Dienstag, 3. März 2015

"She was so so happy! She said, 'Mama she has little ears JUST like me!!!' And of course I cried. Thank you for what you do. ❤️"

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Samstag, 16. Juni 2018

You guys…my heart. This lucky doll even got to have breakfast with her girl ❤️. The best part is that her mom was going to wait until her birthday. FYI…it’s not her birthday 😝

Gepostet von A Doll Like Me am Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2019

Práca, ktorú Amy robí je naozaj úžasná. Je krásne, ako dokáže deťom urobiť radosť. Páči sa vám práca, ktorú Amy robí? Nám jednoznačne áno.


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