Nádherná fotografia herca kŕmiaceho svoju ženu počas dojčenia. Takto vyzerá skutočná láska v podaní Dwayna Johnsona


Známy americký herec nie je len lámačom sŕdc dámskeho osadenstva pred obrazovkami televízie, ale aj nesmierne starostlivý partner a otec. Presvedčí vás o tom záber na kľačiaceho herca, ktorý s láskou podáva jedlo svojej žene, zatiaľ čo ona má doslova plné ruky „práce“ s ich nedávno narodeným bábätkom. Aj ohromný, svalnatý wrestler vie byť nežný a milý muž.

To, že Dwayne Johnson alebo The Rock – ako býva prezývaný, je profesionálny wrestler je zjavné už pri prvom pohľade na neho. Mohutný chlap iste vzbudzuje rešpekt, no každú dámu si získa minimálne širokým úsmevom. Množstvo žien by sa iste rado videlo po jeho boku a ako atraktívny herec nemá o fanúšičky určite núdzu. Po tom, čo sa v roku 2007 rozviedol so svojou prvou manželkou Dany Garcia (s ktorou má jedno dieťa) mu do oka padla speváčka a textárka Lauren Hashian. Sympatická dlhovláska je odvtedy po Dwaynovom boku a spolu majú už druhé dievčatko. Aj keď nie je pár zosobášený, aspoň podľa fotografií a vyjadrení otca ide o maximálne šťastnú rodinku.

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Symbolic and full circle. 18yrs ago when I first broke into Hollywood, I knew nothing about acting or the business of Hollywood. Nothing. The only thing I knew and was 100% committed to was surrounding myself with good hard working people and the hard work I was willing to put in with my own two hands. I wanted to win, but I was willing to fail, because I knew that my effort was the only thing I could always control. And if I got my ass kicked and failed but gave great effort, I’d always come out the other side a better man. Here we are today, 18yrs later… these same two hands (with more callouses) touching this symbolic cement. My heart is full of GRATITUDE for my family, loved ones and everyone on my team who touches this with me. I’m a very grateful man. And we’re just getting started… #HollywoodWalkOfFame #StarCeremony #TwoHandsPhilosophy ✋🏾🤚🏾

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V roku 2015 Dwayn a Lauren na svet privítali svoju prvú dcérku Jasmine. Nerdávno jej pribudla sestrička – Tiana Gia Johnson a rodina sa tak rozrástla o ďalšie utešené dievčatko. Mamina má však s drobcom samozrejme veľa starostí a povinnosti jej niekedy nedovolia nájsť si chvíľu pre seba. V takom prípade bez váhania zasiahne otec a svoje dievčatá určite nenechá len tak. Svet obletela fotografia, ako The Rock kľačí na zemi pri svojej žene a s úsmevom jemu typickým ju oddane kŕmi. Mamička sa tak môže nerušene venovať dojčeniu a ak maličká počas neho zaspí, nemusí hladná čakať, kým sa anjelik prebudí. Veľmi milé gesto, čo poviete?

Množstvo mužov by niečo také ani len nenapadlo. Dwayne fotografiu uverejnil aj s láskyplným popisom, v ktorom vzdáva hold svojej partnerke i všetkým matkám na svete, ktoré obdivuje za ich obetavosť a schopnosť držať veci v pohybe.

Príspevok bol neskôr zdieľaný aj na Facebooku, kde si vyslúžil veľkú odozvu a množstvo pochvalných komentárov najmä zo strany mamičiek. Rovnako zaujal aj príspevok s novorodeniatkom, ktoré drží The Rock na rukách. V momente, keď si otecko mohol podržať malú Tiu sa v ňom prebudili city, ktoré dal na povrch aj formou popisu k fotografii:

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Skin to skin. Our mana. Blessed and proud to bring another strong girl into this world. Tiana Gia Johnson came into this world like a force of nature and Mama @laurenhashianofficial labored and delivered like a true rockstar. I was raised and surrounded by strong, loving women all my life, but after participating in baby Tia’s delivery, it’s hard to express the new level of love, respect and admiration I have for @laurenhashianofficial and all mamas and women out there. Word to the wise gentlemen, it’s critical to be by your lady’s head when she’s delivering, being as supportive as you can.. holding hands, holding legs, whatever you can do. But, if you really want to understand the single most powerful and primal moment life will ever offer – watch your child being born. Its a life changer and the respect and admiration you have for a woman, will forever be boundless. And to my third and youngest daughter, Tiana Gia – like I did when your two older sisters Simone Alexandra and Jasmine Lia were born, you have my word, I’ll love, protect, guide and make ya laugh for the rest of my life. Your crazy dad has many responsibilities and wears many hats in this big ol’ world, but being your dad will always be the one I’m most proud to wear. Oh and one more thing.. you’re gonna love rollin’ in daddy’s pick up truck. #TianaGiaJohnson🌺 #3rdDaughter #BlessesAndGratefulMan #ImInTROUBLE

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„Celý môj život som bol vychovávaný silnou a milujúcou ženou, ale po tom, ako som bol pri pôrode mojej malej Tie je veľmi ťažké vyjadriť ten nový level lásky, rešpektu a  obdivu, ktorý mám k Lauren a všetkým mamám a ženám na celom svete.“

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Happy Mother’s Day to my main squeeze @laurenhashianofficial, holding my little main squeeze, Jasmine Lia, who’s holding my tiniest main squeeze, Tiana Gia – both our daughter’s middle names are in honor of their great grandmothers, Lia and Giavanna. I’m in constant respect and grateful awe of all the things this incredible mama accomplishes on a daily basis. Here’s a fun small recap: Having a two and half year old and a newborn attached and clinging to her 24/7. Managing the wonderfully fun, Terrible 2’s with Jazzy. The “Hi, I need to eat every 3hrs and preferably from your boob” (just like daddy;) with Baby Tia. Managing multiple family properties. Managing an ever growing staff of family employees across the country. Picking up the ENTIRE FAMILY, STAFF AND DOG and moving to multiple locations AROUND THE WORLD, throughout the year because of my filming and production schedule. All while continuing to build an amazing career as a music and song writer/producer. As an artist and businessman myself, I recognize how incredibly hard this part is of her job is. She’s a brilliant visionary storyteller and lyrically gifted – all qualities that are hard to tap into when you’re managing this nonstop life of ours. But she does it like a brilliant bad ass. And here’s the best part and the thing I’m most proud of… Lauren does it all with a big genuine smile and is truly, the kindest and sweetest soul you’ll ever meet. People tell me all time after they spend time with her, “Lauren’s the nicest person I have ever met”. I always say, “Yes she is and being nice runs in our family… and so does kicking ass, so don’t ever get on her bad side” Lol. And finally – of all the human beings on this earth she could have as her partner – she chose me. One big, brown, bald, tattooed, very lucky SOB. Happy Mama’s Day Lauren. Take a bow and Queen it up – you’re an amazing mama and amazing mama’s make this world go around. #yvpagm x

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Každú ženu iste úprimne potešia takéto slová a musíme povedať, že Lauren má skutočné šťastie, že po jej boku je tak láskavý a uvedomelý muž. Veď ktorá z nás by sa nechcela dočkať takého uznania?

Pozri aj: Je med skutočne zdravší ako cukor? Po prečítaní tohto článku v tom budete mať už navždy jasno

zdroj: Jana, unilad.co.uk

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