Výnimočné zábery tesne po pôrode. Týchto 14 žien ukázalo, ako v skutočnosti vyzerá ich telo


Ženské telo je v súčasnosti mimoriadne skúšané a, povedzme si otvorene, aj zaznávané. Mnohé ženy sa boja otehotnieť a rodiť zo straty krásy, pružnosti či jednoducho zo vzniku jaziev a ovísajúcej kože. Zabúdajú pritom, že ak sa raz stanú matkami, takéto myšlienky ich už ani nenapadnú.

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"I've been wanting to share this for awhile now. Almost everyday, I receive messages from other Mums asking me how I look the way that I do. How I got my 'pre baby body' back. Here's the truth ladies – I DIDN'T. I have the excess skin. I don't have stomach definition the way I used to. My hips are a little wider. I don't want there to be any misconceptions. My body did not just 'bounce back'. Now having said that, I work very hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to FEEL good in my skin. I may not ever look the way I did before I had the twins. And you know what? I'm OK with that. _ I have arms. I have legs. I can see, hear and experience life. My body has done amazing things, why on earth would I punish it? _ Learn to appreciate what you have. It doesn't mean you have to stop working for what you want, just show a little self love along the way." 💕@twinmamadiaries #takebackpostpartum

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9 ťažkých mesiacov

Tehotenstvo je zásah do tela každej ženy. Jedna sa s ním vyrovná ľahšie, iná ťažšie. Veľa závisí od genetických predispozícii, pružnosti pokožky, veku, ale aj psychického nastavenia. Byť matkou je však pre väčšinou žien stále tá najväčšia a zároveň najkrajšia životná rola, preto mnohé riziko „nepekného“ tela podstupujú s radosťou.

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(via @januaryharshe) This was supposed to be a rad photo to tell y'all that our sold out #youdoyouboo unicorn shirts and #dontforgetdad tees are back in stock with FREE shipping this week! (Link in bio.) However, it turned into more than that for me. The last time somebody put me up on their shoulders, I was a child. But with me shrinking and having a hubby who's only getting stronger with age, this was so much fun! In the past I would have been worried about his ability to get me up and would have refused, my thick thighs, definitely my larger than life tummy, and the angle of the photo highlighting my glorious double chin. I would not have shared this. BUT now I just see and feel laughter, memories, and enjoying life! I learned to love myself and feel beautiful at my highest weight (about 40-ish lbs ago) and am continuing to do so soon on my journey of loving myself to health. 💗 #loveismyfilter #agewithoutfear #selflovegeneration #takebackpostpartum #idontbabysitiparent #optionssupportrespect

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Či už sú to strie, jazvy po cisárskych rezoch alebo ovisnutá a vráskavá koža, žiadna z normálnych mám by svoje dieťa za nič na svete nevymenila. Dnes vám predstavíme niektoré telá, ktoré kolujú internetom ako demonštrácia dokonalých ženských tiel krások, ktoré ešte neokúsili, čo je nosiť pod srdcom nový život. Tieto odvážne mamy zverejnili fotografie svojho brucho tesne po pôrode.

„Svoje telo som najprv nebola schopná prijať také, aké je. Môžete ma považovať za sebca, ktorý myslí len na svoju postavu, no nie je to tak. Som nesmierne šťastná, že mám deti a viem, že bez týchto jaziev by tu neboli.“

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"I still don’t think I have really come to terms with my new body, while it’s easy to adopt the attitude ‘out of sight, out of mind’ – they are definitely not out of mind. It’s selfish I know, others are having issues falling pregnant and I’m moaning about my stretch marks, marks which without, I wouldn’t have my kids. I am truly grateful for my children. My stretch marks are bad. They look like I’ve been attacked by a wild animal (maybe that’d be a better story to roll with). They’re deep and almost look like burns. I know they will fade over time but I think with the extent of them, it’s likely they’ll always be quite prominent. The tattoo is ruined, but I am not bothered as I hated it anyway. I heard a quote the other day, “For every woman who hates her stretch marks there is a woman wishing she had them”. It really got me thinking. Thinking about the new body I have. I am thankful everyday, don’t get me wrong. The stretch marks a part of me now, a part I am yet to fully accept. Whilst I am almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight, my body is most certainly not the same but I am OK with that. Am I really? Yes and no. I wish I didn’t have my stretch marks but they also tell a story and I now have two beautiful children to show for it. It’s funny because I weigh the same but I am different size and body shape now, my boobs went from a C to a DD and I am not even breastfeeding anymore. I don’t fit any of my old clothes and I can’t stand anything that is tight fitting, although I never did, to be honest. 3 months on from baby #2 and I don’t think I can say I ‘love’ my body but I am coming to terms with the fact that this is my body now. Not everybody gets stretch marks, yay you. I did, and it’s really not the end of the world. It’s my body, there is fuck all I can do to change it so I just have to deal with it and learn to accept it. So here I am, baring it all to you. If anybody else is in the same boat you’ll now you are not alone. It’s tough, I won’t lie. I feel sad when I see people bounce back from their pregnancies. I don’t wish for a perfect body, I just wish I could be comfortable and confident in myself. It will come with time I am sure." @jessbovey

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„Ochabnuté telo, vráskavé brucho, veľká jazva. Všetko to stálo za to, že mám malého chlapca. Nehanbím sa za seba. Nenechajte sa odradiť, ak aj po pôrode vaše telo nevyzerá ako telo dievčat z instagramu.“

„Cisársky rez, pokrčená koža a dve deti – to všetko je moje. Toto je skutočný zázrak života!“

„Toto je moje telo 10 mesiacov po pôrode. Je mi jedno, či si myslíte, že som chudá alebo tučná. Nezáleží na tom, ako vaše telo po tomto výkone vyzerá. Či ste opuchnutá, tučná, máte nadváhu alebo len chudnete. Stačí, ak sa naučíte akceptovať samé seba.“

„Ak môžete oceniť krásu ľudského tela inej osoby, prečo by ste nemohli milovať seba? Aj mne to trvalo dlho. Teraz však s pokojom stojím pred zrkadlom a obdivujem svoje nedostatky.“

„Takto vyzerám 9 dní po pôrode. Nemám túžbu chodiť do posilňovne a rýchlo schudnúť. Mám toto telo rada, som vďačná za to, čo znieslo a aj za toho, kto mu to urobil.“

„Nepotrebujem ideálne telo, aby som bola milovaná. Akoby som sa cítila doma, kde nie je potrebné nikomu nič dokazovať ani sa nikomu páčiť, keby som sa starala len o to, ako vyzerám? Milujem svoj život a som šťastná, že som žena, matka a navyše aj manželka.“

„Takmer každý deň sa ma iné matky pýtajú, ako sa mi podarilo dostať späť do formy. V skutočnosti som sa nikam nedostala. Nevyzerám rovnako ako predtým, no ani sa o to nestarám. Stal sa mi skutočná zázrak, tak ako môžem byť nespokojná s nedostatkami?“

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"OK. I'm just going to say it. Postpartum body shaming seems to happen no matter what size you end up being after birth. I got back down to my pre-pregnancy weight four months after I had Charlie. I owe that to genetics 100%. That being said, you would not believe the amount of times I hear 'wow, you look so skinny.' Or 'geez, you've already lost ALL that weight?' Or the really snide remarks about 'well that won't happen with your second.' Or the straight up dirty looks I get from other new moms when they hear how old my baby is. FYI- I do still deal with all those crappy PP issues like my belly button popping out when I eat too much, diastasis recti, getting bald spots from PP hair loss and my personal favorite: postpartum depression. _ But truly, my struggle isn't external, it's internal. My heart still hurts so badly about the way I feel my body betrayed me during birth. It's something that I struggle with constantly when I think about having another baby. To be honest, I'm really terrified to labor again. Always wondering if my body will do what its supposed to next time. I was having a conversation with a Doula friend the other day about how to proceed in life after a traumatic labor and let me just tell you, it's hard. Really hard. And every time anyone mentions the way my body looks, I want to tell them how much my heart sometimes hurts. Please just know that every woman struggles in different ways and every woman's relationship with her birth is different. _ I may have gotten my 'body back', but my spirit has taken a little longer. _ So, here is my 10 month {postpartum} body. I don't care if you think I'm skinny or fat or too soft or too lumpy. And I don't care what your {postpartum} body looks like. I don't care if you're striped, swollen, thick, thin, still dealing with extra weight or have already worked your ass off to get back all of your muscle. I care that we remember -truly- that it's what's on the inside that counts. That has been my journey and it's getting better every day. _ All I wish for any postpartum woman is peace, calm and self acceptance." @jessicasheridan #takebackpostpartum

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Pozri aj: Poznáme ženský ideál. Tento typ mužov privádza ženám ten najintenzívnejší orgazmus

zdroj: babskeveci.sk (M)

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