Tento úprimný a otvorený príspevok o strachu z pôrodu by si mala prečítať každá budúca mamina. Zdieľajú ho ženy po celom svete!


Väčšina prvorodičiek bojuje s pocitmi strachu a úzkosti pred dňom D. Je to celkom pochopiteľné a hoci je pôrod tou najprirodzenejšou životnou záležitosťou, nikdy ste ho nezažili a neviete, čo máte od neho očakávať. Laura Mazza, populárna talianska blogerka, otvorene povzbudzuje prvorodičky, aby na úzkosť zabudli, pretože okrem nej ich čaká pri pôrode veľa iného.

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"This isn't the body you fell in love with." I said to him. The body he fell in love with was toned, it had muscles, there were no stretch marks on my belly, none on my boobs, no gut from muscle separation. The body he fell in love with fit into tight jeans, could walk into a shop and grab any size and walk out, knowing it fit. The body now couldn't shop at those stores, and mostly wears leggings. his body stayed the same, but mine changed in every way. It isn't fair… I stood in front of him, exhausted and broken, the tears welled in my eyes, "this isn't the body you fell in love with." Then he said, "you're right. It isn't the body I fell in love with. Instead it's a body that grew our children, it fed our children, it comforted our children, it made life. Your body is the one I fall in love with every day I didn't know what love was until I saw this body and found out all it could do, so thank you." Do not be ashamed of what you have, or what your mum body looks like, there's plenty of time to give up cake in the future, for now, enjoy the moments you have, and enjoy the fact that you have made something that is worth every stretch mark and every dimple. If you needed a reminder, this is it, this body you have now, its worth every bit of love and more.

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Nejedna budúca mamička sa už nejaký ten mesiac pred príchodom dieťaťa na svet hrabe v knižkách a na webových stránkach a hľadá všetky dostupné informácie o tom, ako bude pôrod prebiehať, čo ju čaká a neminie a hlavne ako to bude všetko strašne bolieť a aké nebezpečenstvo na ňu aj dieťatko striehne.

Telo si zapne autopilota

Keď som bola tehotná s mojím prvým dieťaťom, takisto som čítala pred pôrodom veľa literatúry. Narazila som na príšerné veci a pôrodu som sa bála ako ničoho na svete. Keď to však všetko začalo a priviezli ma do pôrodnice, bola som ohromená tým, ako zareagovalo moje telo. Jednoducho zaplo autopilota a prestala som sa báť. Faktom je, že telo ženy je úžasne silný stánok a pôrod je toho jasným dôkazom.

Je normálne, že ako rodič sa o svoje dieťa bojíte, hoci ešte nechápete, čo je skutočný strach oň. Ten príde, až keď bude malý človek na svete a vy zaňho preberiete plnú zodpovednosť. Obavy z pôrodu sú normálne, no je len na nás, aby sme našli vnútornú silu, silu matky. To znamená, že by ste mali robiť len to, čo je pre vás najlepšie.

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14 weeks and 6 days. This is the first time of the last time I’m going to be, 14 weeks and 6 days. The first time of the last time I’ll hear this baby’s heart beat this way. It is my baby number three, and the last one for me. When I look down at my stomach or at a baby wiggling at a screen, I feel so much love and happiness. Hearing your heart, little one, beat like a thousand galloping horses makes me full, makes me feel complete. It reminds to be a little more patient. Its reminder to go a bit slower and remember that your siblings were once this small. I know how precious time is now. I know you will be a 3 year old one day running around in the nude screaming “no!” I know one day you’ll be a 21 year old coming home at 3am and leaving me stressed. I know it’s so far away but I know how quickly time has gone before. I know how quickly it can go. I know I will cherish every moment. I know now if I struggle, in pregnancy, in motherhood… I don’t have to hide it. I know now I don’t have to be ashamed of the changes that my body will go through. Stretch marks? Pfft. What is stretch marks when I will have you? I know now that there isn’t such thing as failing, however I birth you, however I feed you… however I do it. I know you’ll know I’m trying my best. I can’t wait to meet you my little love I can’t wait for our adventure to start.

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Ak teda chcete ísť do pôrodnice s päťstranovým pôrodným plánom, ako si pôrod predstavujete, napíšte ho a dajte lekárom do rúk. Ak chcete, aby vám zmiernili bolesti, požiadajte o injekciu. Ak chcete cítiť všetko napriek tomu, že to bolí, tak injekciu odmietnite. Ak máte z pôrodu traumu a paniku, požiadajte o cisársky rez.

Každá sme iná a to, čo vyhovuje nám, nemusí automaticky vyhovovať iným ženám. Pôrod môže byť divoká jazda a môže to byť aj prechádzka takmer ružovou záhradkou. Je len na vás, ako si ho zariadite. Samozrejme, sú situácie, kedy to nie je možné, no vždy je možné povedať, čo si prajete a čo nie. Pokiaľ nie ste v život ohrozujúcej situácii, zdravotnícky personál vám nemôže nič odmietnuť. Robte všetko pre to, aby ste boli v pohode a vtedy bude v pohode aj vaše bábätko. Ak budete pod veľkým stresom, pocíti to aj dieťa a pôrod si môžete nielen sťažiť, ale dieťaťu aj ublížiť.

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Dear pregnant mamas, Don’t fear birth. I know the horror stories scare you. I know if you are like I was, you might even fear that you won’t come out of it alive. Labour is a scary word. It’s hard work, there’s a reason it’s called labour. You travel to another place to collect a soul and give it life. That’s wonderful but hard work. It’s normal to fear birth, it’s normal to worry about you and#your baby. Human beings are the only species that doubt our ability to give birth. My first birth made me vulnerable. I listened to thousands of women tell me “but women have been doing it for years” & I believe I failed, because it wasn’t easy. But I didn’t fail. I just forgot my power. So I took it back, and I came back ready and stronger. I used my power. You have that power too. If you want to go with a 5 page birth plan because anxiety is getting to you. Do it. If you want to take pain relief. Do it. If you want to feel every bit of it because you can, do it. If trauma has hurt you, & you want a cesarean. Do it. You have every right to chose how you want to birth your baby. It’s your body, it’s your baby. And If things don’t go to plan, you didn’t fail, you did what’s best to get your baby here safely, & what a selfless sacrifice that is. It’s you, showing the love you have for your baby. Never beat yourself up for that. Never. Feel strong that you’re willing to do anything for your baby. There’s nothing wrong with having a cesarean. There’s nothing wrong with a vaginal birth. Whether you birth in a bath, or a hospital, whether you have a VBAC or drugs. There is nothing wrong. What is wrong is when a mother is judged unfairly. Ignore judgements. Ignore people who only speak negatively about things they know nothing about, they don’t know you, your story or your baby. The way you give birth doesn’t change how you love your baby. Nor does it dictate how your baby loves you. You deserve to be celebrated. You grew a baby, you gave life to a baby, and you birthed it. Whether that is vaginal, cesarean, with pain relief or no pain relief, you did it. YOU! Birth is normal, fear is normal, and you, never underestimate yourself, because you mama, you are powerful.

A post shared by Laura Mazza (@themumontherun_) on

Viem, aké pocity mali matky, ktoré so mnou ležali na oddelení po pôrodoch. Boli sklamané zo seba aj z personálu, obviňovali sa za to, že dieťa si muselo prejsť takým stresom. Cítila som, že by ich povzbudilo, keby im niekto povedal, že pôrod je výsostne ich záležitosť a nikto iný im ho nemá právo organizovať, pokiaľ to nie je nevyhnutné. Mám dve deti a v súčasnosti čakám tretie. Tentoraz sa už na pôrod teším. Viem presne, čo chcem, a čo nie.

Pôrod je normálny, strach je normálny a vy by ste sa nikdy nemali podceňovať, pretože ste mama, a to je vašou najväčšou devízou.“

Súhlasíte s Laurou? Dajte nám vedieť v komentároch.

Pozri aj: O tomto by mali okamžite vedieť všetky ženy! Tieto 4 veci sú pre vašu vagínu veľmi škodlivé

zdroj: babskeveci.sk (M), babble.com

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